In your initial contact please make note of the time frame you have in mind for project completion. Some ideas about information you would want to include in your initial contact are as follows.
1. Have a product or an idea? Would like to present it beyond your locality? In some cases you may be looking for assistance with research and presentation of a particular topic for objectives such as a business endeavour. For example, how is the business climate of a given industry (e.g., fashion industry) and/or what are the best approaches to present a given product/idea to a region of your choice. Please provide some introductory notes about the general area and we take it further as we discuss the matter. In other cases, you may be planning to set up a website for selling fine writing instruments, advanced photographic equipment or etc. You feel a review/news section would benefit the quality of your presentation. Great! Thus, for research and content write-up of your product/idea make note the topic as it is planned at the time and the future trajectory of your ambition. After your initial request and introduction, we take it further on how to best approach these objectives.
2. For assistance with academic projects (e.g., research, advice, planning, presentation, etc…), please make note of the general topic area and the time frame of project completion. An example of a simple initial request for assistance in this category is: “Hello, I have a project coming up on business regulation in European Union and specifically France trade regulation policies with China. At this point in time, I need….”. Same general line of request for assistance would apply to most topics in the academic field. You can use the form bellow to specify what you have in mind (topic area, questions that have to be addressed, etc…). Expect a response within 24hrs.
The above noted examples of requests for assistance are only illustrations of academic and business projects you may have in mind. As a first step, please use the contact form below to speak about the issue as you please and we take it further.
Thanks. Expect a response in less than 24hrs.